CATIA models Data Base of ATLAS Detector

ATLAS detector have simple profiles and assemblies with enormous complexity. Development of entire geo model of detector is caring out by large number of collaborative partners in heterogeneous environment. Thus, entire geo model is distributed into different representations. Geo model

Tag Browser for ATLAS Conditions DB

The ATLAS conditions database is based on Oracle servers run by CERN physics database services group and used for storing data associated with various ATLAS activities: sub detector commissioning with associated Monte Carlo studies, offline computing commissioning and the 2004

ATLAS Mock-up model

This 60cm ATLAS Mock-up prototype has been designed by GCCEC on the base of CATIA 3D model database for Stereo Lithography casting which was later done by Protometal, Co in Paris. Construction was designed to fit requirements of minimization of

DECO Wall Designer

This DECO Wall Designer is XP based software application for virtual decoraton of both, bitmap and vectorized 2D/3D scenes. Wall decoration is accomplishing by art plates of stones with different dimensions and textures. Two main steps – meshing and texturing


Project Responsible: from Center: Alexander SharmazanashviliEngineering center chief managerCollaborator: Schulz Engineering, GermanyDuration: 8 Month (test project) SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Developer: CAD/CAM DivisionYear: 2006Author: Giorgi GVABERIDZEApplication was built under the test project with Schulz-Engineering. Special approach for 3D object decomposition has been developed.

SMIC Flow Manager

SMIC flow manager is the package of network software applications for registration and accounting. Distributed software management of central databases gives account registration efficiency, transparency, reliability and in-line processing of data flows between different departments inside the SMIC (State Medical

Power MATIC – Parametrical Editor plud-in for AutoCAD

SOFTWARE DESCRIPTIONDeveloper:  CAD/CAM DivisionYear:  2005Author:  Besarion ChikhradzePlatform: Windows PCStatus: Demo version This is third-party C++ AutoCAD built-in application for modeling of turning parts. Appli-cation is built on the base of ObjectARX and OpenGL recourses. Geometrical representation is fully parameterize while

SANDVIC Cutter Modeler plug-infor AutoCAD

SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Developer:  CAD/CAM DivisionYear:  2003Author:  Giorgi MuchaidzePlatform: Windows PCStatus: Shareware version This is third-party VBA application for AutoCAD built on the base of AutoCAD internal objects. Application operate with Sandvic Coromant data of cutting instruments and enable to built

Cutting Monitor plug-in for AutoCAD

SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Developer:  CAD/CAM DivisionYear:  2003Author:  Giorgi MuchaidzePlatform: Windows PCStatus: Demo version This is third-party C++ application for AutoCAD built on the base of DirectX standard library. Application enables to visualize real-time cutting processes, showing material removal from work piece