This DECO Wall Designer is XP based software application for virtual decoraton of both, bitmap and vectorized 2D/3D scenes. Wall decoration is accomplishing by art plates of stones with different dimensions and textures. Two main steps – meshing and texturing proceed designing process in order to receive composition with maximum natural vision. General possibilities of software are as follow:
- Decoration of walls, columns, floors with various geometry
- Editing of scene
- Editing of geometry from bitmap images
- Selection of plates from database
- Randomize meshing
- 2D rendering
- 3D rendering and realistic representation of whole scene
- Lighting and zooming
- Generation of bitmap images
- Generation of mesh topology with calculation of project sensitive data
- Special terms of decoration: exclusion of plates from mesh, mesh manual editing, identification of undecorated fields, etc
Software was developed and install to Deco-Stones Co.