24 January, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag Browser Update Status Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
24 January, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag Browser Update Status Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
The program committee of CHEP2013 – Computing in High Energy Physics, has been accepted paper “A Tool for Conditions Tag Management in ATLAS” for the publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, which is part of IOP Conference Series. Paper
17 January, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag and IOV Browser news Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
It was announced that new R11 release of COOL Tag Browser (CTB) was placed in draft folder for first evaluation. CTB is Php/Javascript web application permits to ATLAS detector and conditions experts the possibility to navigate through the different databases
Georgian Engineering Team (GET) at CERN did compare analysis of TGC chambers supports description of ATLAS detector presented at CERN engineering database and in ATLAS simulation packages. As a result it was discovery considerable discrepancy in geometry and weight. ATLAS
Collaborative partners: University of Pittsburgh Efforts will be done to develop new graphical engine for VP1 software tools, modify Graphical User Interface and user interaction scenarios according to ergonomic design. add new functionalities of “fish eye view” visualisation mode; geometrical overlaps
This work is mainly concern with development of new releases of COOL Tag Browser (CTB) software; add string-search function for searching tags in various DB and schemas in Release 11 (R11); add payload data representation in R11; replacement official release
20 December, 2013, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag and IOV Browser news Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
13 December, 2013, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag and IOV Browser news Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
29 November, 2013, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag and IOV Browser news Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link