SCCTW’10 – First ATLAS-South Caucasus Software/Computing Workshop & Tutorial

Event follows on from the establishment in 2009 of the academic network links between the South Caucasus countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and the European Geant2 network infrastructure. It aims at establishing and fostering contacts between ATLAS collaborators and computing people in these countries and experts in ATLAS software and Grid computing technologies.

There was three types of sessions:
• Talks (general presentations and tutorials) on software and computing in ATLAS
• Practical tutorial sessions
• Talks by local collaborators on their contributions to ATLAS

SCCTW’10 – First ATLAS-SouthCaucasus Software/Computing Workshop & Tutorial.

25 Oct, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Paper Reported for Podium Presentation:
3D Graphical Representation of ATLAS Detector in Web Browsers

Presenter: Kekelia Besik, Surmava Archil

Indico Link   Presentation.pdf