Meeting was held in ATLAS design office between partners Dr. Marzio Nessi, ATLAS Technical Coordinator; Mrs. Tatiana Kliutchnikova, Head of ATLAS Integration; Raphael Vuillermet, ATLAS Group Leader; and Prof. Dr. Alexander Sharmazanashvili, Director of CAD/CAM Engineering Center, Tbilisi Georgia. The topic of Euclid_to_CATIA migration project was discussed. In particular, status of executed and proceeding works has been reviewed, In particular, status of executed and proceeding works has been reviewed, and it was assumed that migration works would be completed in the end of December 2008, and the approximate amount of migrated models would be over 3000. Also problems appearing along migration were considered. Specifically approximately 1400 3D models are mistakenly converted and therefore require further correction and reconstruction. Georgian CAD/CAM Engineering Center also proposed a plan for future works that is supposed to be carried out in the end of 2009. Specifically, it is execution of the next phase of the project which includes creating CATIA assemblies from obtained models, correction of the models, model distribution into CATIA structures, and uploading these model structures and database onto ‘SmartTeam’ CERN server.