Project Responsible: from Deco Stones: David Chulukhidze
Director of Deco Stones Ltd
From Center: Alexander Sharmazanashvili
Engineering center chief manager
Software responsible: Besarion Chikhradze
Purpose of this collaborattive project was development of software application for art decoration of exterior/interiors. Decoration of walls by art plates of stone is aesthetically sensitive task where risk not to be fitted in customer’s requirement is high. Solution in this case is development of CAD class software application for virtual decoration which can realize two main functions: generation of several decoration alternatives and 2D/3D visualization of wall and whole scene.

Software General Possibilities
– Decoration of walls, columns, floors with various geometry
– Editing of scene
– Editing of geometry from bitmap images
– Selection of plates from database
– Randomize meshing
– 2D rendering
– 3D rendering and realistic representation of whole scene
– Lighting and zooming
– Generation of bitmap images
– Generation of mesh topology with calculation of project sensitive data
– Realization of special conditions of decoration: exclusion of plates from mesh, mesh manual editing, identification of undecorated fields, etc.
Wall decoration is carried out by art plates of stones with different dimensions and textures. Therefore, corresponding algorithm responds to requirements coming from the heuristic rules and randomizes plates selection in rest of the cases. Main requirmetn is to receive composition with maximum natural vision.
Download .pdf for details or go to .html presentation
Meshing algorithm in this case consider heuristic rules as follow:
Rule#1: Minimize length of plates vertical and horizontal conjunction lines
- Rule#2: Minimize number of cross conjunctions
- Rule#3: Maximum randomization of plates
- Rule#4: Minimize number of trimmed plates
- Rule#5: Minimize “black holes”, zones which are not covered by plate
- Rule#6: Consideration of fixed plates – plates, which position is preliminary defined and unchangeable
Meshing is starting from dimensional analyze. Within this step, before adding the new mesh, unmeshed area with restricted zones are identified
Following meshing steps forsee – identification of current meshing condition, finding insertion point, selection of plate (algorithm restricts plates combination according to heuristic rules and makes maximum randomization in rest of the cases), mesh registration; two objects have been built for this purpose:
Object “POINT” describes each point of plate in mesh
Object “STONE” describes each plate in mesh