07 March, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag and IOV Browser news Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
07 March, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag and IOV Browser news Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
Member of GET Nikoloz SHARMAZANASHVILI represented latest development of IOV Browser on ATLAS software week at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. This is JavaScript/PHP based software application for extraction of data channels associated to tags and browse them according to Intervals of
Georgian Engineering Team (GET) participated in ATLAS Software-Computing week and represented new version of ATLAS condition database application – COOL Tag Browser (CTB) R11. R11 working on different concept of data browsing and navigation then previous R10 version. Navigation engine
24 Feb, 2014, CERN Geneva, Switzerland. Paper Reported for Presentation: Cool Tag Browser status and developments. Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexandre Indico Link Presentation.pdf
21 February, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag Browser Update Status Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
14 February, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag and IOV Browser news Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
ATLAS announced opportunity for young scientists to display their work by posters during the ATLAS week at CERN, 10-14 February, 2014. ATLAS said that posters may include approved or non-approved results, and may e.g. also be a re-use of a
07 February, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: COOL Tag and IOV Browser news Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link
PhD student of Georgian Technical University (GTU) Niko TSUTSKIRIDZE has been arrived at CERN for 6 month research program. Niko is 2nd year PhD student of GTU working in same time with GET since 2011. He has successfully passed (in
31 January, 2014, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: CTB R11 now on the Road Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Prangishvili Iveri, Sharmazanashvili Nikoloz Indico Link Presentation.pdf