02 November, 2016, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: ATLAS Tracer Status Update Authors: Phataridze Lasha Indico Link
02 November, 2016, Vidyo/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: ATLAS Tracer Status Update Authors: Phataridze Lasha Indico Link
Georgian Engineering Team (GET) participated in ATLAS Outreach Parallel Session, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. main point of talks was to provide the outreach community of the collaboration useful and interesting information about ongoing activities and let community know the aims, impacts
Memebers of Georgian Engineering Team (GET) Alexander Sharmazanashvili and Lasha Phataridze were participating in Outreach Data and Tools Group Meeting. Alexander Sharmazanashvili updated status of Atlas tracer and anounced that the first working version of ATLAS Tracer will be released
This year two member of Georgian Engineering Team (GET) Beso Kekelia and Davit Shekiladze enrolled in Georgian Technical University to further their studies in IT and get masters degree, they have already picked their thesis topics and will be spending
4th day of Workshop was dedicated to GRID Computing. 13 presentations where done by speakers from CERN, Georgian Technical University, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, NAS of Armenia, Tbilisi State University. Following topics were discussed during presentations: Cloud Projects
Workshop was dedicated to Big Data Processing, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Distributing Computing and Mathematical Methods, Algorithms for Distributing Computing, Outreach projects, LHC Upgrade Technologies and GRID Computing. Presentations where done by speakers from CERN, Georgian Technical University, Institute
Workshop was dedicated to Big Data Processing, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Distributing Computing and Mathematical Methods, Algorithms for Distributing Computing, Outreach projects, LHC Upgrade Technologies and GRID Computing. Presentations where done by speakers from CERN, Georgian Technical University, Institute
Workshop was dedicated to Big Data Processing, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Distributing Computing and Mathematical Methods, Algorithms for Distributing Computing, Outreach projects, LHC Upgrade Technologies and GRID Computing. Presentations where done by speakers from CERN, Georgian Technical University, Institute
Workshop was dedicated to Big Data Processing, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Distributing Computing and Mathematical Methods, Algorithms for Distributing Computing, Outreach projects, LHC Upgrade Technologies and GRID Computing. Presentations where done by speakers from CERN, Georgian Technical University, Institute
Workshop was dedicated to Big Data Processing, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Distributing Computing and Mathematical Methods, Algorithms for Distributing Computing, Outreach projects, LHC Upgrade Technologies and GRID Computing. Presentations where done by speakers from CERN, Georgian Technical University, Institute