Tbilisi, Georgia – The momentum continued to build at the Conference (PMBC2023) Workshop ‘Partners Meeting for Better Collaboration’ as the second day unfolded, dedicating itself entirely to the impactful presentations from the members of the Nuclear Engineering Center and collaborative partners.
Day 2 Highlights: In-Depth Sessions and Engaging Discussions
The day kicked off with a series of sessions, each shedding light on crucial aspects of the collaborative efforts between the Nuclear Engineering Center and its partners.
Session#01: ATLAS ITK Work Package
Led by conveners Shaun Roe from CERN and Niko Tsutskiridze from the Georgian Technical University (GE), this session delved into the intricate details of the ATLAS ITK (Inner Tracker) Work Package. Participants were treated to insights and advancements in this vital area of research.
Session#02: IPPOG Agreement Work Packages
Chaired by Pedro Abreu from LIP – Laboratorio de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (PT) and Eirik Gramstad from CERN, Session#02 focused on the IPPOG (International Particle Physics Outreach Group) Agreement Work Packages. The session provided a comprehensive overview of collaborative initiatives in particle physics education and outreach.
Session#03: ATLAS Outreach & Education Work Package
In Session#03, Dilia Maria Portillo Quintero from TRIUMF (CA) and Darren Price from the University of Manchester (GB) took the lead as conveners. The session explored the intricacies of the ATLAS Outreach & Education Work Package, emphasizing the importance of disseminating knowledge in the field.
Session#04: ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Work Package
Convened by Oleg Solovyanov from LPC Clermont-Ferrand (FR) and Alexander Sharmazanashvili from the Georgian Technical University (GE), Session#04 focused on the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Work Package. The discussions delved into the advancements and challenges in this critical aspect of the ATLAS experiment.
Engaging Presentations Ignite Discussions
The presentations delivered throughout the day were met with great enthusiasm and interest from participants. The intricate details shared during the sessions sparked lively discussions among attendees, fostering an environment of collaborative exchange and knowledge-sharing.
As the day concluded, participants were left with a deeper understanding of the ongoing collaborative efforts, inspired by the wealth of information shared. The PMBC’2023 Workshop continues to be a platform where science and collaboration converge, paving the way for future breakthroughs in the field of Partners Meeting for Better Collaboration. Stay tuned for more updates as the workshop progresses into its next exciting phase.