New Agreement 366-10 has been signed between Georgian Team and ATLAS collaboration, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Georgian team represented by Georgian Ministry of Education and Science, Georgian Technical University (GTU) and Georgian CADCAM Engineering Center (GCCEC). According to agreement Georgian team will provide level of effort in the area of software development for the ATLAS experiment starting from 1st of January, 2011 and will be valid for the period of two years with extension possibilities. Four working packages were separated for the execution: Development of ATLAS event visualization display – VP1 package; Optimization and further development of software tools used to store and retrieve detector conditions data into the ATLAS Oracle database using the COOL software package; Integration of the CATIA geometry description with Geant4 geometry package used in ATLAS Cavern background simulation; Comparison of existing GeoModel/Geant4 geometry with CATIA geometry and make correction of volumes into packages used in ATLAS software Georgian team in face of government and GTU will provide financial support of 8FTE IT/CATIA engineers working in Georgia. ATLAS will provide 1FTE financial support for coordination work and 1FTE student presence at CERN. Agreement has been issue on the base of pilot agreement AA347-09 successfully executed during the year 2010.