After long term considerations GCCEC director, full staff and founders have decided to cancel collaborative project “JCHP Engineering Support ref. no 125/41846021” with Forschungszentrum Juelich Gmbh, Germany. Corresponding letter has been sent to authorize partners at Forschungszentrum. After 6 month of collaboration with FZJ, GCCEC found impossible to continue work because of unclearness of the goals, inadequate conclusions doing by both parties of collaboration and lack of communication. Collaborative project “JCHP Engineering Support ref. no 125/41846021” has been signed on 2nd of June, 2009 by director of GCCEC Dr. SHARMAZANASHVILI Alexander and Director of HESR accelerator at Forschungszentrum Dr PRASUHN Dieter, in Juelich, Germany. Execution of 3 working packages as follow were foreseen – WP1:development of 2D mechanical drawings of beam positioning monitor; WP2: Development of Cyclotron components; WP3:Designing the transport system of HESR. GCCEC has won tender proposal announced by FZJ on 19 February, 2009 for the engineering support of CATIA designing of COSY and Panda facilities at Juelich, Germany.