Design Fellow of GCCEC Nikoloz Sharmazanashvili has participated in 6th Global Student Forum “Student Platform for Engineering Education Development” organized by American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and held in Budapest, Hungary in October 9th-15th, 2009. Nikoloz has represented report “Computer Aided Geometrical Modelling Study in Nuclear Engineering Projects” and summarize his projects done at CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland and at Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany. He was selected for participation the group of Dassault Systems Co. At the end of colloquium Dassault Systems has been chosen his work for the publication and awarded Nikoloz with certificate of participant. The Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED) in cooperation with American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) was gathered 100 student leaders in Budapest, Hungary October 9th-15th, 2009 for the Global Student Forum (GSF) on Engineering Education to discuss this year’s conference theme “Ensuring Equitable and Diverse Global Representation with Engineering Education”.