Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ), Germany confirms GCCEC as a winner of tender held in order to obtain working packages for the construction work of High Energy Storage Ring (HESR). On the base of IKP board decision collaboration between FZJ and GCCEC will be established and founded by German side at least on 1 year. GCCEC have to be executed 3 working packages: WP1 – transformation of 2D mechanical drawings of Beam Positioning Monitor into a 3D CATIA V5 construction; WP2 – transformation of 2D mechanical drawings of Cyclotron components into a 3D CATIA V5 constructions; WP – Designing of transport system of HESR in CATIA V5. Agreement of collaboration will be signed in Juelich, Germany in June, 2009 and funding year will be follow up to the end of May, 2010.