Status of Euclid_to_CATIA migration work and definition of exact plan how the works have to be finished were discussed in ATLAS design office by the partners – Dr. Marzio Nessi, ATLAS Technical Coordinator; Mr. Mark Hatch, ATLAS Project Engineer; Mrs. Tatiana Kliutchnikova, Head of ATLAS Integration; Prof. Dr. Alexander Sharmazanashvili, Director of CAD/CAM Engineering Center, Tbilisi Georgia. Prof. A.Sharmazanashvili describes status of the migration activity. It was assumed that 4 major topics have to be done to finish the work. 1st phase proposed to be finished in the end of August, 2008 and rest of the phases with half of stuff in Georgia, in the end of December, 2009. Mrs. Tatiana Kliutchnikova outlined needs to distribute all migrated models into structures and database with searching. Dr. Marzio Nessi agrees to continue with 1st phase up to the end of June, 2008. Mr. Mark Hatch suggests to clarify the strategy of models migration and currying out first migration of models with comparatively big volumes and less detalization. The parties concluded that models migration is important task for ATLAS but for this moment ATLAS financial conditions are unclear to support of this activity up to the end of 2009. Financial support will be done just only to the 1st phase up to the end of June, 2008. In the end of June, 2008 it will identify weather works have to be continue or not.