1. Computer Modelling of Parts and Assemblies
The Objective of the Course
Teach students how to create geometric models and assemblies for simulation tasks. Teach students 2D/3D geometric modeling for visualization tasks.
2. Computing and engineering geometry modeling in high energy experiments
The Objective of the Course
Decomposition of detector structure and study of architectures of subsystems; Study of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methods in the detector subsystems; Data acquisition from detector subsystems and analyses; Experiment modelling and software platforms; Study of distributed computing and GRID system architecture and working principles; Acquainting task of engineering geometry modelling; Architecture of the hub of geometry descriptions; The purpose of comparative analysis of geometry descriptions; Studying the principles of geometric description processing and simplification for visualization; Learning methods of analysis and reproduction of geometry descriptions.
3. Programming of Geometry Descriptions in Simulation Software Packages
The Objective of the Course
The training course aims to teach students programming of geometrical descriptions on the base of AGDD / XML and GDML software packages for the execution of simulation tasks.
4. Computer Technologies of Integration and Installation of Facilities for Experiments
The Objective of the Course
The training course aims to teach students the integration of 3D models in uniform structure for the simulation tasks.
The student will learn the principles of group work using a digital mock-up of physical experiment devices.
Teach students the visualization, navigation and communication capabilities of DMU Navigator.
Teach students how to organize group meetings for project management using DMU Navigator.
5. Analytical Thinking and Argumentative Discussion
The Objective of the Course
The purpose of the course is to teach students - methods of scientific research, types of research, the value of science for the development of scientific knowledge, training procedure, technique and purpose; Structure of scientific papers, general principles of scientific reports and basic principles of scientific reasoning; The role of scientific criticism and development of science; Scientific literature overview, traditional and electronic databases and principles of scientific ethics; Research in scientific principles and methods of the information technology, implementation of the knowledge; Analyzing texts, constructing of arguments and using evidence and secondary source materials; Instruction of the stages of writing scientific documents - starting from preliminary notes, ending with general outlines and corrected texts.
Meanwhile, the course covers academic English vocabulary, different writing styles, formats and guidelines.
6. Engineering Data Management Systems in HEP Experiments
The Objective of the Course
Studying data management and distribution in Nuclear Engineering for their implementation and solving tasks of engineering construction.
7.1. Engineering Analysis of facilities for Experiments
The Objective of the Course
Studying creation of 3D models with complex surfaces for visualization applications.
Teach students dynamical analyses of physical experiment devices using engineering computer technology. Teach students simulation of the installation process of high-energy physics experiment devices according to pre-defined route.
7.2. ECMAScript Programming based on the Framework Technologies
The Objective of the Course
To teach the student to create HTML applications working with large databases based on ES-6 frameworks; Develop database-based server applications using Python resources; Work with standard classes, compile client-server applications and study methods of receiving data from complex systems.
8. Approximate calculations in quantum mechanics
The Objective of the Course
Explanation of the existence of stable interdependence of particle complexes (atoms, molecules, nuclei, bosons) considered in quantum mechanics and description of energy processes associated with these particle complexes. For the mathematical solution of these tasks, the study of the methods of approximate solution of the differential and integral equations containing the discrete-spectrum operator of the system energy and related operators and familiarization with the created software.
9.1. Geometric Modeling for the Visualization Application
The Objective of the Course
The student will study the methods of creation 3D computer models using modern tools for the visualization applications.
The student will study animation of the physical processes for the metaverse applications.
The student will study how to generate photorealistic images from 3D computer models, animations and 2D models for Metaverse applications.
9.2. Third-Party Programming and Customization
The Objective of the Course
Teach the student third-person VBA and ?++ ObjectARX object-oriented programming, principles and structure of VBA and ObjectARX programming, VBA and ObjectARX classes and objects, VBA and ObjectARX object-oriented code debugging, VBA and ObjectARX programming environment; Software technologies for accessing AutoCAD system objects and connecting to MS visual C++ objects by modifying the software code to adapt packages to specific tasks of a particular detector.
10.1. Simplification of Geometry Descriptions for the Simulation of the Experiments
The Objective of the Course
The student will be able to simplify 3D models of physical experiment devices for simulation tasks. Analyze and modify simplified 3D models based on absorption lengths, radiation lengths, and model overlays. Input, output and processing of geometric descriptions in physics experiment simulation packages.
10.2. Programming of the Visualization Engines
The Objective of the Course
Teach students the outreach and educational Metaverse applications of experiments; Application architecture and platforms; Graphic engines and their selection criteria; WebGL engine principles and programming tools; Data models; Rendering methods; Geometry transformations; Animation programming; Methods of software determination of camera parameters; Textures and shading methods.
11.1. Learning Practice: Geometry Modelling and Integration of Facilities for Experiments
The Objective of the Course
Teach students how to perform 2D/3D geometric modeling of complex system components for simulation and visualization tasks. Students will be able to analyze and evaluate geometric models of engineering geometric descriptions for simulation and visualization tasks.
11.2. Learning Practice: Development of Software Application for Parametrical Description of Geometry
The Objective of the Course
Study the design of complex system components on the example of a high-energy physics experiment. Build/integrate and operate prototypes to achieve system performance objectives.