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  • Has deep and systematic knowledge of informatics tasks related to nuclear research experiments;
  • Uses this knowledge to define engineering geometric modeling requirements and select geometric models for simulation and visualization tasks;
  • Considers the compatibility of software packages with the user's tasks and implements their customization;
  • Analyzes data from complex systems and interprets the results of compare analysis of geometric models using computer technologies;
  • Synthesizes engineering-design bases of devices, differentiates Metaverse application software platforms;
  • Summarizes critical cases of experiment modeling applications;
  • Evaluates the adequacy and performance of computer modeling of processes by analyzing methods for programming geometric descriptions;
  • Presents own views, research and activity results, reasoned conclusions, documentation and scientific-technical publications in various scientific, educational and commercial projects;
  • Establishes communication with the academic and professional community in Georgian and foreign languages in compliance with the ethics norms of the academic community.
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