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Tbilisi State University’s student and our group member Nino Zurashvili has successfully finished her Masters studies in Condensed matter physics with the help of adviser Tamar Tchelidze.Main topic of her thesis was “One dimensional nanostructures in excitonic complexes”.


This week was held a TileCal Week Computing. Our group Project Manager Alexander Sharmazanashvili and our group member Nino Zurashvili was participants. Alexander presented news about Tracer/TileCAL – the 3D Web-based Visualization Application, Tracer TileCal General Working Plan, Recent updates,


Nuclear Engineering Center has new employees Giorgi Mirziashvili, Kote Tsutskiridze, Vladimir Dolinski, and Levan Kuprava.Giorgi, Kote, Vladimir, and Levan have successfully finished their internship and will be joining In NEC.Levan Kuprava will be getting involved in ATLAS Tracers development team

Astronomy Day 2022

On 10 May 2022, on mount Kanobili in Abastumani, the Evgeni Kharadze National Astrophysical Observatory of LEPL-Georgia held an event #AstronomyDay2022. The event was attended by a representative of the ministry of education and science of Georgia, the Staff of