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WP#03/2016-2019 – Development of Interactive Display of ATLAS Detector for Software Application

Collaborative partners:   University of Glasgow,    University of Arizona A number of static code analyzers are now available to systematically flag suspicious code in a large software project. These tools, like Coverity, CppCheck, and Lizard, look for instances of uninitialized variables that

Simulation Loop Between Cad Systems, GEANT-4 and GeoModel: Implementation and Results

Authors: Alexander Sharmazanashvili, Niko TsutskiridzePublisher: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 724–727Year: 2016 Abstract Compare analysis of simulation and as-built geometry descriptions of detector is important field of study for data_vs_Monte-Carlo discrepancies. Shapes consistency and