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SCCTW’16 – Development of Analysis and Synthesis Methods
for Geometry Modeling of ATLAS Detector

Workshop was dedicated to Big Data Processing, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Distributing Computing and Mathematical Methods, Algorithms for Distributing Computing, Outreach projects, LHC Upgrade Technologies and GRID Computing. Presentations where done by speakers from CERN, Georgian Technical University, Institute

SCCTW’16 – Investigation of Geometry Modeling Methods for ATLAS Simulation

Workshop was dedicated to Big Data Processing, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Distributing Computing and Mathematical Methods, Algorithms for Distributing Computing, Outreach projects, LHC Upgrade Technologies and GRID Computing. Presentations where done by speakers from CERN, Georgian Technical University, Institute


14 June, 2016, CERN. Paper Reported for Presentation: Investigation of Simulation Infrastructure. Study 2: Systematization and Learning of Results Paper Reported for Presentation: Geometry Update Priorities and Progress Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Tatsumi Koi, Surmava Archil, Kekelia Besik Indico Link   Presentation1.pdf  Presentation2.pdf