Development of a Method for Reading Geometric Description for comparative Analysis

Authors: Niko Tsutskiridze
Publisher: Works of GTU, №1 (519)
Year: 2021


Simulation of physical processes is ongoing together with ATLAS Experiment at European Organization for Nuclear research (CERN). As a result, data are obtained from real experiment (data) and simulation (MC), which is different for some areas of the ATLAS detector. The reason of differences could be geometrical description existed in simulation software packages, therefore their investigation is required. Geometric descriptions of the ATLAS detector are stored in AGDD / XML and GeoModel / Oracle. The main part of the geometric descriptions of AGDD / XML has been studied by the Nuclear Engineering Center of the Georgian Technical University and significant inaccuracies have been identified. GeoModel / Oracle geometric descriptions are not investigated so far. Therefore, a special method has been developed in order to investigate geometric descriptions existed in GeoModel / Oracle. The method has been tested using comparative analyses of pump which is part of ATLAS detector.
