Georgian Technical University and ATLAS experiment has signed agreement for continuation of collaborative project that has been going on since 2010. New agreement will last for 1 year till the end of 2019. Georgian Team will work on 5 working packages.
WP1: “Adding New Volumes in Geant4 Baseline Geometry” There are several regions of the geometry used in the Geant4 simulation where volumes representing service and support structures are missing. The efforts carried out as part of this working package include the implementation of these volumes. Moreover, volumes representing structures which undergo modifications during the detector upgrade will be changed correspondingly. The main objective is to establish a smooth workflow from design engineers to the implementation within the ATLAS athena framework. The design geometry will be extracted from the engineering database and implemented into CATIA by adding absent drawings. Subsequently the derived 3D model will be simplified while paying special attention to preserving the initial volume and weight. A transfer into XML will be performed. The result with be integrated into the simulation geometry with assistance from geometry and simulation experts. During the process the unique simulation loop developed by the Georgian team in cooperation with the ATLAS simulation team will be used. All detector systems will be considered in these studies, starting from the muon spectrometer, and in particular, the new small wheel (NSW) extending to the calorimeter and even the inner detector.
General list of Packages to be done:
- MM Chambers in the NSW
- JD Services in Sector 13
- Middle Services in GAP region
- CALO Services
- Platforms in missing Sectors
- Technical reports of Simplification
- Technical reports of Integration Conflicts Checking
- XML code
- Implementation in the simulation geometry
Manpower in Georgian Team:
1.5FTE /CATIA designers, programmers
ATLAS contact person:
Dr John CHAPMAN, Dr Stefano ROSATI
WP2: “Material checks for the New Small Wheel” The NSW for ATLAS is being installed. It is important to have an accurate description of the passive material of the detector, which was originally implemented by the Georgian team. Starting from the parameter book to the eventual implementation within the athena framework, the Georgian team will check for consistency at each stage. Deliverables: Monthly reports at the muon software meeting Manpower in Georgian Team: 1.5FTE
ATLAS contact person:
Dr William LEIGHT, Dr Stefano ROSATI
WP3: “Improve ATLAS software quality” The purpose of this working package is to promote software quality evaluation as an integral part of the ATLAS software development process. This will require the development of tools and practices in two key areas.
- Firstly, we will provide a robust defect checking service of all the main ATLAS offline development branches. Software quality tools such as Coverity and cppcheck are currently run infrequently over just the single master development branch. For the moment Coverity full scan results deliverability way and procedures have been developed through the preparation of JIRA tickets. However, this work is massively manual and needs future developments of automated procedures by using git commands and shells. We therefore attend to deploy a framework to ensure these tools are run at regular intervals and to respond to any issues with maintaining the ongoing service.
- Secondly, recent wholesale changes to the ATLAS software build infrastructure have provided an ideal opportunity to apply software quality evaluation as an integral part of the development workflow. The framework can be leveraged to include the primitive checking of code defects (i.e. before code is introduced into the development branches) by various methods of Coverity scan – incremental scan or single project scan. This will make possible to integrate Coverity scan into Continuous Integration test chain.
- Early feasibility testing in this area by the Georgian team together with the ATLAS software coordinators motivated the construction of a test development environment hosted at multiple locations and isolated from the operational build infrastructure. The use of Docker containers enabled the rapid emulation of key services used in the build infrastructure thereby creating a sandbox to develop new CI tests and to explore how to interpret and report software quality test results. We anticipate further development of the workflow and will explore approaches to accommodate results gathering and comparison from other software quality tools.
- Furthermore, we intend to continue developing software quality CI tests for more comprehensive defect checking coverage. A deployment pipeline has recently been established with the ATLAS Software Infrastructure Team to allow our development effort to be validated and then included onto the production software build infrastructure. This will allow us to gather experience from code review shifters and developers to help optimise our testing coverage and results presentation. We will also build upon preliminary studies into methods to promote defect resolution action through code reviewer-led triage and in harnessing results from trend analysis on generated code quality indicators as part of an overall evaluation strategy.
Manpower in Georgian Team:
1FTE / C++ developer
ATLAS contact persons:
Dr Walter LAMPL and Dr Andrew WASHBROOK
WP4: “Development of Interactive Detector Display Software Application for Visualisation and Maintenance of Detector Subsystems” Interactive Detector Display (IDD) is web-based internet application for interactive visualization of structure and detailed content of detector subsystems and physical events carrying out on that. Application is hardware/software platform independent and requires no installation for running. Generic version of application with basic functionalities and generic geometries is already developed and available from here: On the second phase of development customization of generic version on Tile Calorimeter requirements will be done. Short todo list includes visualization of – cells; energy deposits in cells for reconstructed ATLAS events with various options of filtering; Tile Calorimeter components; services in particular regions. Deliverables: Javascript applications and functions Contact person from ATLAS: Alexander SOLODKOV Manpower from GTU: 2FTE/Javascript programmer
WP5: “Development of Reference Geometry database of ATLAS Detector” Geometry Descriptions (GD) of ATLAS detector have several implementation by various groups and subsystems. Groups developing GD’s separately, using their own methods, platforms and tools. Thus, for the moment there are various GD’s of the same components of detector and they are not synchronized and not the same. Difference between GD’s of ATLAS detector has direct impact on quality of physics analyses and cause necessity in high financial and high-qualified manpower resources for upgrade and modifications. Compare analyses of Geant-4 vs “as-built” descriptions shows big differences between them, which in some cases cause data-vs-MonteCarlo discrepancies. Purpose of WP is development of one, central database of geometry descriptions of ATLAS detector, so called Reference Geometry – most detailed and close to “as-built” geometry representation. Various groups and subsystems will use it. Groups will transfer GD’s from Reference Geometry into local applications instead of developing own descriptions from the blue prints. Development of Reference Geometry will foresee steps as follow:
1. Collection of detailed “as-built” descriptions of detector components from groups and their migration into Smarteam database in the form of 3D CATIA models
2. Reproduction of existing descriptions by adding missing parts from the CDD drawings
3. Correction of inaccurateness in existing descriptions and cleaning so called ‘dirty’ descriptions
4. Transformation of non-editable descriptions into editable state by modification of internal models tree
5. Structuration of descriptions according to ATLAS detector structure and components anatomy.
Status for today:
1. There are several components which are corresponds to “as-built” descriptions in the engineering database on Smarteam – NSW, etc. For those components links from Reference Geometry will be created
2. Some components are presenting on Smarteam engineering database but do not have enough detalization. For instance services, support structures, etc. Those components will be reproduced from CDD drawings
3. Some components presented on Smarteam engineering database in form of external envelops without internal content. For instance Inner detector, etc. They will be fulfil with the missing parts, reproduced from CDD drawings
4. 9 components are already reproduced as an “as-built” descriptions by Georgian team during the execution of Geant-4 compare analyses in past years. Coils, EndCap Toroid, HF Trucks, MDT, TGC1, TGC3, ECT Tower and Warm Structure, Flexible chain in sector 9 have been done. They will be inserted directly into Reference Geometry database. Detailed development road map of Reference Geometry (order not corresponds to development sequence)
I. Main Components
1. Inner Detector/Pixel
2. Inner Detector/SCT
3. Inner Detector/TRT
4. Calorimetry/Lar
5. Calorimetry/Tile
6. Muon Spectrometer/Barrel
7. Muon Spectrometer/EndCap
8. Shielding’s
9. Magnet System/Solenoid
10. Magnet System/Toroid \’
11. Mechanical Structure/Feets and Rails
12. Mechanical Structure/Inner detector
13. Mechanical Structure/Calorimetry
14. Mechanical Structure/Muon system
15. Mechanical Structure/Warm structure
16. Mechanical Structure/Shielding
17. MB Access platforms
II. Services
1. Cables
2. Patch panels
3. Tubes and Pipes
4. Services supports Reference Geometry development process will not be interfer with existing simulation/reconstruction chains. Deliverables: 3D CATIA models on Smarteam database . Manpower in Georgian Team: 2FTE /CATIA designers ATLAS contact person: Tatiana KLIUTCHNIKOVA