Welcome to the New Master’s Program in Information Technology of Nuclear Engineering

We are thrilled to announce the start of a new semester in our Master’s Program in Information Technology of Nuclear Engineering. This semester, we are proud to welcome a select group of students to our distinguished program.

Our academic team for this semester includes Group Manager Alexander Sharmazanashvili, along with our esteemed colleagues Ela Abramovi and Dr. Niko Tsutskiridzean, who will be guiding our students through their academic journey. Additionally, our dedicated faculty members from the Georgian Technical University (GTU) will also play a crucial role in supporting the students.

This year, we had 11 applicants eager to join the program, but only the top five students have been selected to continue their studies with us. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to these exceptional individuals and wish them every success in their academic pursuits.

For detailed information about the learning schedule, please follow this link.

We look forward to a productive and exciting semester ahead!