ITk Offline SW

Today, the ITk Offline SW meeting was held, featuring a presentation by our group member Niko Tsutskiridze. Niko delivered a comprehensive 20-minute presentation focused on the investigation of cables and connectors in PP1.

During his presentation, Niko discussed several key topics including the working life cycle, comparative analyses, simplification, calculation of radiation length, and comparative analyses of radiation length. His thorough exploration of these subjects provided valuable insights into the complexities and challenges faced in the investigation.

The meeting saw active participation from our group members, and the ensuing discussion was highly engaging. Attendees posed numerous questions, all of which Niko addressed effectively, demonstrating his deep understanding and expertise in the subject matter.

The event underscored the importance of collaborative efforts and knowledge sharing within the scientific community. Our group’s active involvement in such meetings highlights our commitment to contributing to advancements in the field.