June 2023

Detector Description Session During S&C Workshop

Our group project manager Alexander Sharmazanashvili and our group member Salome Vashakidze participated in the Detector Description Session During S&C Workshop, which was held on 12 Jun 2023. Salome presented “Simplification of the ATLAS CAD geometry for Geant4 simulation”. Talked

ATLAS Outreach Weekly

07 June 2023, Zoom/on-line. Paper Reported for Presentation: Augmented reality ATLAS fact sheet extension Authors: Sharmazanashvili Alexander, Dolinski Vladimer Indico Link   Presentation.pdf

ATLAS Outreach Weekly

Our group Project Manager Alexander Sharmazanashvili and our group member Vladimir Dolinksi was participating in ATLAS Outreach Weekly. Vladimir presented the Augmented reality ATLAS fact sheet extension, Development stage presentation, and Draft presentation with a QR code scanner. Feedback was