Planned upgrades to the new HL-LHC – accelerator in the ATLAS detector

Our group member Niko Tsutskiridze held a seminar about ATLAS ITk Detector for the HL-LHC. The seminar was about planned upgrades to the new HL-LHC – accelerator in the ATLAS detector.

The seminar consists of three steps:

  1. First, Niko talked about HL-LHC – accelerator and general upgrades in ATLAS detector;
  2. Second, ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk). He expressed everything in detail about ITk Strip and Pixel subdetectors;
  3. Third part was about ITk Detector for the Simulation. Niko talked about the GeoModelXML software, which allowed the geometric descriptions of ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) in simulation.

The seminar was attended by all group members and interns.