There are new interns in Nuclear Engineering Center (NEC). They are separated in three groups , different from each other with packages and working themes.
Groups are:

G1 – Creation and modification of engineering geometries
G2 – Software transformation of engineering geometries
G3 – JavaScript / WebGL programming

Members of G1 group are Lazare Kvirtia , Anna Palavandishvili , Alexander Alikhanov , members of G2 group George Gurgenadze and G3 group members are Luka Todua and Vasil Grdzelishvili. All interns are students at Georgian Technical University.

They are bachelor students on 3rd and 4th year of study. Anna Palavandishvili is a member of FabLab Group at Georgian Technical University.

NEC official members and Doctors Archil Surmava and Niko Tsutskiridze will read lectures to our interns.