Two new interns Levan Khelashvili and Mariam Phirtskalava will be joining GET (Georgian Engineering Team). Both of them are students of Georgian Technical University and are in 2nd and 3rd years of studies towards bachlor’s in computer sciences. They have previously worked on the project “stetitskhoveli”, projects goal was to save Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. The foundation of cathedral was getting damaged by water because channel that was meant to redirect water got clogged and damaged. Thus there was need of repair works. Levani and Mariami built the 3d model of cathedral with its infrastructure in 3D Sketchup with animations. Project was presented at Georgian National Museum.
For the following months they will be getting guidance from the members of GET. Interns will get to know every ongoing project in team and see which one is the most interesting and suitable form them.