Georgian Engineering Center (GET) of Georgian Technical University (GTU) participated HSF Visualization workshop which took place at Cern (the European Organization for Nuclear Research).
Indigo link of Workshop:
HEP experiments have always needed visualization tools, like event displays. Those tools are used for a number of purposes and in a number of tasks: among them, detector development and upgrade, data analysis, reconstruction development and debug, simulation verification, outreach&education.
The visualization and computer graphics landscape outside HEP has largely evolved during these last years, with the introduction of new powerful consumer-level hardware and new software technologies and tools. Computer graphics field is driven by the game and movie industries and new tools and techniques are constantly developed. Moreover, interactive data visualization is an important topic in other sciences too, as medical imaging, geology and geophysics, and so forth.
The goals of this open workshop, convened by the HEP Software Foundation (HSF), was the presentation of the current situation of the HEP visualization software and of what is present on the market, the discussion of the future trends with a 5-10 years view and the building of a common view among the participants, representing experiments, groups and communities.
The workshop was opened with the presentations from invited speakers: Peter Messmer (NVIDIA) – Rendering, VR, Sean Harmer, Mike Krus, Kevin Ottens (KDAB) – Qt3D, C++ 3D graphics, Jesus Fernandez (Qt Company) – QtWebGL, QtCanvas3D, web-based 3D graphics, which was followed with the status of existing HEP tools and talks from the experiments/groups who are working on event displays.
GET participated in visualization Session of the workshop, with the scope Visual representation of event data overlaid with detector geometry for the purpose of HEP research and presented ATLAS Tracer, web-based 3D application for ATLAS outreach & education, which helps us with visualization of Detector facilities and events. Eexplained concepts of ATLAS Tracer and software behind it, its advantages and limitations.ATLAS Tracer uses latest web technologies to build CAD like application in the Browser. Therefore it is platform independent and no installation is required. Even though technologies nowdays are getting more and more advanced it still has substantial limitations, so ATLAS Tracers is facing a huge task to reach its goal with the present technologies, which is not easy.
Information about Atlas Tracer can be found here: