SCCTW’14 – Development of Tag Browser Software Toolfor ATLAS COOL Database

Event follows on from the workshops held in October 2010 and 2012 that brought together for the first time the ATLAS groups from the South Caucasus countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) to discuss common computing related issues. It aims at fostering contacts between ATLAS collaborators and computing people in these countries and experts in ATLAS software and Grid and Cloud computing technologies.


Distributing Computing and Cloud Computing for scientific applications:  Scientific Clouds, Global Networking Architecture, Cloud Middleware, Algorithms for Cloud Computing, Cloud Projects in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia 

ATLAS and CERN Technologies and Applications:  WLCG Grid past, present and future, Big Data: challenges and perspectives, Data Monitoring, Collaborative projects, CERN Accelerator Technologies

SCCTW’14 – South-Caucasus Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop.

23 Oct, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Paper Reported for Podium Presentation:
Development of Tag Browser Software Tool for ATLAS COOL Database

Presenter: Varamashvili Davit, Udzilauri Nikoloz, Avaliani Giorgi

Indico Link   Presentation.pdf