ATLAS Collaboration together with GET announced 3rd South-Caucasus Workshop – “South-Caucasus Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop” SCGCCW’2014 in Tbilisi, Georgia on 20-24 October, 2014. Georgian Technical University will host the workshop providing well equipped conference rooms and facilities. Workshop program divided in two main frames: Distributing Computing and Cloud Computing for Scientific Applications and ATLAS Distributed Computing and Application.
(Download booklet here…).

1st slot include topics about Scientific Clouds, Global Networking Architecture, Cloud Middleware, Algorithms for Cloud Computing, Cloud Projects in Armenia-Azerbaijan-Georgia.
2nd slot includes topics about WLCG Grid past, present and future; Big Data – challenges and perspectives; Data Preservation; Data Monitoring; Collaborative project outputs.

This is continuation of South Caucasus workshops held in Georgia previously:
2012 – SCSWT’2012 “South-Caucasus Software/Computing Workshop & Tutorial” (details here …)
2010 – SCSWT’2010 “1st ATLAS South-Caucasus Software/Computing Workshop & Tutorial” (details here …)