SCCTW’12 – Adding New Volumes to G4 geometry Baseline

(Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) to discuss common computing related issues. It aims at fostering contacts between ATLAS collaborators and computing people in these countries and experts in ATLAS software and Grid computing technologies.

•  Perspectives of Installation and development of local GRID clusters
•  Integration between low-level Grid middleware and higher-level ATLAS software packages for distributed computing 
•  Experience and evolution of end-users working models in South Caucasus Region 
•  Test of current status of Grid clusters in the South Caucasus region 
•  Tutorials + technical discussions 

SCCTW’12 – 2nd ATLAS-SouthCaucasus Software/Computing Workshop & Tutorial.

23 Oct, 2012, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Paper Reported for Podium Presentation:
Adding New Volumes to G4 geometry Baseline

Presenter: Sharmazanashvili Alexander

Indico Link   Presentation.pdf