World leader developer of PLM simulation and CAD software Dassault Systemes (DS) in 2010 choose successful student projects executing on CATIA platform. Work of Nick Sharmazanashvili, member of GCCEC is among of them. Nick was involved in ATLAS Technical Coordination team in 2005. Since there he was part of the team developing 3D geometry of ATLAS detector on the base of CATIA. In 2009 he has submitted his CATIA project to student Global Colloquium organized in Cape Town, Republic of SA by American Society of Engineering Education. His project was spotlighted by DS and he has been invited for participation in DS team. In 2011 DS published calendar with all nominated projects. Nick’s project was among of them. Unfortunately there is typo error. Along Nick’s name is written “Tbilisi State University” while Nick was masters training student of Georgian Technical University.