ATLAS delegation from CERN, Geneva, Switzerland was visited GCCEC office in Tbilisi. ATLAS delegation consists of Dario Barberis, Genoa University, Jim Shank, Boston University, Elizabeth Gallas, Oxford University, Beate Heinemann, Berkeley National Lab, Markus Elsing, CERN Switzerland, Nurcan Ozturk, Texas Arlington University, Solveig Albrand, LPSC Grenoble, France, Miguel Villaplana Perez, University of Valencia, James William Walder, Lancaster University. Guests met with GCCEC staff and students associated with projects. It was acquainted past collaborative activity of GCCEC with ATLAS technical coordination group and considered current project with ATLAS software / computing collaboration. GCCEC represented project statuses and projects execution life cycles. Lado Shekriladze shows latest developments of COOL tag browser; Archil Surmava represented current development of geometry for SLAC, Stanford; George Gvaberidze talks about virtual 3D display for the ATLAS event visualization; Beso Kekelia reports about the ATLAS geometry investigations in CATIA-Smarteam, GeoModel and Geant-4 databases. Two invited students – Giorgi Avaliani and Tsotne Putkaradze represented themselve and talked about their activities in the projects.