Founders of Georgian CAD/CAM Engineering Center met in Tbilisi-Geneva virtual office. Meeting was held in order to consider completed works and future plans for the year 2010. Director of GCCEC represents new project with CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. According to draft confirmation with partners to be GCCEC will coordinate works of Georgian participants for the development of ATLAS software and will take the responsibility for the all results. From Georgian side partners will be Georgian Technical University (GTU) and ministry of education and science of Georgia. GTU will establish special structure to invite GCCEC staff for collaboration. Georgian government will make financial support to that structure. However that cooperation foreseen no incomes for GCCEC and it was discussed with founders. Finally GCCEC participation in the project was confirmed. CAD/CAM engineering center was founded in 2003 at Georgian Academy of Science. Main purpose of center’s activity is participation in international High Tec collaboration projects. Center was equipped with IBM workstations, 6 licenses of CATIA software and IBM certified CAD/CAM designers and programmers. First successful collaboration was started from the end of 2004 with CERN – European Organization of Nuclear Physics.