Director of GCCEC, Tbilisi, Georgia Dr. SHARMAZANASHVILI Alexander and Director of HESR accelerator at Forschungszentrum Juelich Gmbh Dr PRASUHN Dieter has signed collaborative contract between GCCEC and FZJ, Juelich, Germany. Contract with its name “JCHP ENGINEERING SUPPORT” and reference number 125/1846021 will regulate activity of both parties for the execution of 3 working packages as follow WP1: development of 2D mechanical drawings of beam positioning monitor WP2: Development of Cyclotron components WP3: Designing the transport system of HESR. Funding year will be follow up to the end of May, 2010. Extension is possible according to results achieved. All property rights for the developed projects will be belonging to the FZJ. In same time FZJ agrees to make reference on GCCEC in case of uploading of results on sources for public implementation. GCCEC has won tender proposal announced by FZJ on 19 February, 2009 for the engineering support of CATIA designing of COSY and Panda facilities at Juelich, Germany.