Head of department of Scientific Researches and Development at Tbilisi State University, Mr. Iagor Kalandadze visited Geneva office of Georgian CAD/CAM Engineering Center (GCCEC). Mr. Kalandadze meets with members of GCCEC who currently have contracts with CERN. GCCEC members have represented their works and described in details their duties. Possible ways of participation of GCCEC in FAIR project, Darmstadt was also considered. The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is one of the most advanced projects. The full project cost has been estimated at 1187 ME. Due to perspectives of a significant advancement of science offered by FAIR, the project has attracted a wide international interest and support. The initial Memorandum of Understanding was signed by fourteen countries, including several EU Member States, China, India and Russia, which have formed the FAIR international Steering Committee (FAIR-ISC).