Georgian deputy minister of science and education Mr. DIDEBULIDZE Alexander has mat with CAD/CAM engineering centers authorities in Tbilisi, Georgia. It was considered the ways of possible participation of Georgia into FAIR project. Results of negotiations with FAIR authorities and interests of Forschungszentrum institute in Juelich, Germany have been introduced to minister. Center also submit technical proposal where describes the possibilities of Georgia to participate in FAIR through the CAD/CAM engineering center and the group of physics in Juelich under the leadership of Prof. KACHARAVA Andro. Country’s benefits expecting from the participation in FAIR have been described also in details. FAIR is European/International research centre for providing scientists in Europe and world wide with facility for studying matter at the level of atoms, atomic nuclei, protons, hadrons, quarks and gluons. Facility construction period is 8 years starting from 2008 and total cost is 1.2bln Euros. The German Government has committed to 75% of total cost. The remaining 25% have to be contributed by European/International partners.