15th meeting of FAIR international steering committee was held in Darmstadt, Germany at GSI site. Main subject of negotiations between the partner countries was creation of the company FAIR GmbH. It is important to develop a forward looking, common understanding of both the challenges and the required activities. Mr. Andro Kacharava from Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany and Mr. Alexander Sharmazanashvili were welcomed by committee members as representatives of Georgia. Current status of Georgia at FAIR is country observer. The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is one of the most advanced, scientifically ambitious and the largest research infrastructure projects on the ESFRI Roadmap. The full project cost has been estimated at 1187 ME. Due to perspectives of a significant advancement of science offered by FAIR, the project has attracted a wide international interest and support. The initial Memorandum of Understanding was signed by fourteen countries, including several EU Member States, China, India and Russia, which have formed the FAIR international Steering Committee (FAIR-ISC). At present the European Commission has an observer status in the FAIR-ISC.