Euclid_to_CATIA migration life cycle problems have been considered on the meeting at the ATLAS design office. Marzio Nessi – ATLAS technical coordinator, Mark Hatch – ATLAS design office manager, Thomas Pettersson – CERN CAD committee representative, Eric Van Uytvinck – CERN CAD support group leader, Tatiana Klioutchnikova – ATLAS integrator, Alexander Sharmazanashvili – ATLAS CATIA project responsible have been attended. ATLAS 3D CATIA model developed by Georgian engineering center was presented. Additional manpower will be expected from engineering center to organize well migration procedure. ATLAS Euclid database is extremely complex and contains up to 27’000 models of detector. Therefore special methodological issue is needed to migrate database into CATIA platform. Currently, Georgian engineering center involved in this activity by 2 projects carrying out with ATLAS TC and CERN CAD support group.