Niko Tsutskiridze

I am Niko Tsutskiridze. I finished bachelor program of Informatics and Control systems of Georgian Technical university in 2011. At the same year I was involved in the training program at Nuclear Engineering Center (NEC) of Georgian Technical University. NEC has a collaboration project with European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) since 2003 and is involved in ATLAS Experiment. Research tasks that was related at the mentioned collaboration were very interesting for me. So, I decided to continue my studies at the master program. My master research was about Development of Geometrical Descriptions of Magnet System of ATLAS Detector for the Simulation and Reconstruction Software Packages. At the end of the research I was at CERN for 2 months, where I completed the main part of the research, created dissertation and made an approbation. The approbation was attended by CERN experts who listened to the dissertation and prepared review report. Finally, I optained degree of master of Informatics in 2012.

In 2012, I continued my studies at the doctoral program of ICS faculty.
My doctoral research was still related to CERN. During my research I implamanted
research of simulation infrastructure of ATLAS Detector. I also participated in an
international conference - "XXV Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing - NEC'2015"
(Montenegro, Budva) where I presented results of my doctoral research.
I was given a grant from Shota rustaveli National Scientic
Foundation of Georgia and And also with funding of Georgian Technical University I was at Cern for a year in 2014 and in 2016 .
At the CERN I implemented the main part of doctoral research, I
participated in the poster exhibition - "Implementation of CATIA based Geometry
Descriptions for MuonSimulation Packages" and I approbated the obtained results.
The approbation was attended by professors from the leading universities, such as:
Stanford, Saclay, Genova University, Cambridge and Edimburg University. They prepared review report about my thesis.
Finally I optained PhD Degree in Engineering of Informatics in 2016.

The knowledge and experience accumulated during the master's and doctoral research enabled me to start working at Nuclear Engineering Center of Georgian Technical University as Simulation Stream Manager