Besik Kekelia

I am Besik Kekelia from Georgia. I graduated from the Georgian Technical University Faculty of Construction in 2004. Then I started my career at Nuclear Engineering Center of Georgian Technical University. Nuclear Engineering Center is in collaboration with CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland) since 2003. I was leading one of the projects at CERN at 2006. 3D database of ATLAS detector geometry description was created during this project. I Finished my Master’s dissertation at Georgian Technical University. Faculty of Informatics and Management Systems at 2018. My Master’s research was based on Simulation of geometry description at CERN, ATLAS Experiment. In 2021 I Successfully finished my doctoral dissertation on “Study of geometric description programming methods for Atlas Experiment simulation”. In parallel with my studies, since 2012, I’m director of educational-scientific institution “Nuclear Engineering Center” at Georgian Technical University. Georgian Technical University has educational programs and close ties with various educational scientific organizations around the world such as: CERN, KEK, Fermilab and more. Georgian Technical University creates all the necessary conditions to successfully continue and participate in important research with the world’s leading research organizations