Dear GCCEC web site users and readers, We are apologizing for the inconvenience because of unavailability of site during the last weeks. Site was blocked by CERN authorities – Computer Security and CERN Legal services because of the reasons: – We were putting on the page along the CERN name also their logo and published some photos with CERN infrastructure without having permission. It was considered as a violation of CERN intellectual property rights; – Our site was hosting on CERN internal server which we have done especially to let CERN users having access to large files like CATIA models, assemblies and technical reports through the CERN LAN. It was considered as a violation of CERN computer security rules. It is difficult to call it friendly action but rules are rules and we have to follow them. What we have done – we move web site from CERN server to other host and remove all sensitive info about CERN hoping not to wound anyone anymore.